Free online coordinates converter
(For main projection systems applying to France mainland)
Source projection
Target projection
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Geographique WGS84
Lambert II etendu
Lambert 93
UTM 31 (WGS84)
Click here for more information
Geographique WGS84
Lambert II etendu
Lambert 93
UTM 31 (WGS84)
X Y ou Lon Lat
X or Lon. target
Y or Lat. target
at a glance
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Natural Catastrophes
Exposure to Natural Perils in GoogleEarth
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Results are provided 'As is". Catco rejects any responsability about the accuracy of results
and the use made of calculations here above
* Longitude/Latitude in decimal degrees
* valid long/lat window for input is -5.5 <= lon <= 10. and 41 <= lat <= 52.
* Maximum 500 points in one shot